Monday, October 27, 2008

Shopping Spree for Sarah Palin and Her Family: Free Clothes, Hair Styling and Accessories

Shopping Spree for Sarah Palin: Free Clothes, hair styling and accessories

What was wrong with Sarah Palin's old clothes? What was wrong with her Alaska fashion sense? Do not ask me. Ask John McCain, his wife and the Republican Party. Apparently, they wanted her to have a personal wardrobe reform. She needed new clothes as the Senator has been answering questions about the $150,000 shopping spree. "Palin needed clothes. They will be donated to charity after the elections," answered John McCain. The Republican Party found it necessary to change her clothes and make her more like chic so the guys, married men can come to the rallies. They wanted her to become a MAGNET BABE for the Vote on November 4. And come, the guys have come to the political gatherings. I read about a guy who got up at 2 A.M. to do his work in order to be able to finish on time and take time off. That is what new looks can give you, a strong following that will bring out the vote.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sarah Palin's Favorite Clothes, Gowns and Dresses: Favorite Shopping Stores

When Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was presented to the national and world stage, she also made a fashion statement. Since that day, U.S. and foreign women have been trying to find out which designer she was wearing. They have been feverishly googling Sarah's outfit and style to the point of sending the Alaska governor to the stratosphere of most searched words.

Just like Paris Hilton and other Hollywood stars known for their fashion sense (or lack of), a new fashion star was born. Republican as well as Democratic women appreciate her hair style, choice of eyeglasses and peep-toe pumps with 3/12 inch heels.

What was she wearing during her presentation to the Republican faithful by John McCain?

Footwear: Naughty Monkey Line shoes
Vision or Eyeglasses: $375 frames made by Kazuo Kawasaki style series 704 color 34 distributed in the U.S.A by Italee Optics Inc. That is the U.S. brand distributor.
Lipstick brand: (That is still out there to be determined).

Some fashion-savvy women and magazine writers and editors opine that her lipstick brand may be Pantagonia-based or friendly. In other words, it has to be eco-friendly. Others chide that her lipstick brand may be pitbull-friendly or pig appropriate colors. Understand the preceding sentence by remembering Mrs. Palin's joking comparision of herself to a lipstick wearing pitbull. In Anchorage, Alaska, Sarah Palin has been seen shopping at a secondhand store named Out of the Closet. She also shops at Shoefly and Hudsons as these two companies are trying to drum up sales from the recent shopping visits by the Governor.

Here is a list of potential apparel, fashion shopping, gown and dress sites Gov. Sarah Palin and her associates may have visited when shopping for herself and family members.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wall Street's Business Model Incites Greed, Cowboy Investing, Lack of Risks, Push for more Profits and More Borrowing (Leverage)

Wall Street's Casino Attitude, Questions and Answers: Wall Street's Business Model Incites Greed, Cowboy Investing, Lack of Risks, Push for more Profits and More Borrowing (Leverage)

Wall Street is not what it used to be. Some of the buildings are still there. However, everybody from company directors to ground crew, traders, brokers and customers is running scared. Wall Street as we knew it is having huge problems. Consisting of giant investment houses, brokerage firms, hedge funds and "private equity" firms, Wall Street business model has come under huge assaults from greedy traders and management directors who thought that risks were to be handled differently in their quest for more and more profits.

Bear Stearns is no more. Venerable Merrill Lynch had to find a purchaser in Bank of America. The Feds could not rescue investment bank Lehman Brothers which had to file for bankruptcy. Insurance giant AIG received an $85 billion bailout from the Federal Reserve. That's after the government took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the largest mortgage lenders in an effort to shore up the economy and the housing market. Investors have just found out that their funds could be lost if it was not for this late-hour lifeline. Foreign investors also had to be reassured. Anything that happens to our economy ends up having great repercussion in other countries' stock markets.

In the past few years, Wall Street has gone away from its business model. They have long lost their role as advisers and intermediaries. In the past, these investment banks used to work for their clients. They traded stocks and bonds for major institutional investors such as insurance companies, pension funds, and mutual funds. They raised capital for companies by underwriting, selling new pension funds, mutual funds. They provided advice to corporate clients on mergers, acquisitions and spinoffs. That's how they made their money by charging fees.

Wall Street's financial institutions changed their focus. They were in business for themselves. They were investing for themselves by using partners' or shareholders' money to place bets on stocks, bonds and other securities which they called "principal transactions.

If anybody wants to do something about Wall Street's compensation system, he/she will have to lay the groundwork to avoid future chaos. It is not a secret that Wall Street's compensation system is heavily skewed toward annual bonuses which reflect the profits traders and management directors earned in the year. Even when these traders and directors were making base salaries of $200,000 to $300,000, bonuses were their gravy. They used to receive bonuses five to 10 times their base salaries.

Unlike commercial banks, investment banks rely too much on borrowed money which they call "leverage." There were too many windfalls caused by too much borrowing. For a long time, traders and money managers were focusing too much on their own short-term profits. That is why the crash was just around the corner. Wall Street was being severely damaged by these acts. Short-term goals were met, but investors, shareholders and the rest of the country were going to get hurt. Everyone involved had huge incentives to increase borrowing.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008 Personal Investing, Investing Advice, Politics, 2008 Elections

Stuffwhitepeoplecareabout: 2008 U.S Presidential Elections; How Sarah Palin Rescues John McCain
On the buzzometer, they are the hottest things. John McCain and Sarah Palin are the new buzz creators online. How this Alaska Governor and her daughter's pregnancy came to save, rescue John McCain's once lackluster presidential campaign has a lot to do about the power of a woman on this year's ticket. Many Washington insiders and politicians from both parties are wondering whether the public would be so interested in an Obama-Hillary Clinton ticket. Some are saying that Hillary had too much of a baggage. That does not mean that Sarah did not bring her own baggage to the political scene. Since her nomination to this position, she has come forward with many revelations about her husband's past drunken driving, her daughter's 5-month pregnancy, and the ongoing investigation into her brother-in-law's dealing and supervisor's firing.

No matter what many viewers and readers can say, Sarah Palin and her daughter's pregnancy add issues to the Republican party. All over the country, mothers are talking about the events and taking sides. Who is to say that she did not raise her daughter properly? She could not possibly be with her all the time. This young man, Levi Johnston, was hanging around the family and just wanted to have fun while parents were not at home. He said it all on his page. He was not interested in having children, but now it is too late.

For sure, people, sympathizers have been rallying around Sarah and Bristol as if they wanted to protect them from the media and the curiosity of the American public. The criticisms start arriving. Others were talking about the family values that Republicans have been spousing for quite some time. All we have to understand is that Obama said that his mother had her when she was 18. He added that talking about such private issues should be off-limits. That does not mean that some people were not going to dwell on these issues.

Good or bad, Sarah Palin and her daughter have managed to keep John McCain's name and campaign in the press. Well, many observers are now realizing that Sarah may not have been in politics for a long time, but she has long left behind the "Miss America" days. She knows how to knock off some teeth with her remarks about hockey mothers as having "lisptick" on their lips.

If John McCain becomes president of the country, he has to say special thank you to Bristol and her boyfriend who are supposed to get married. Now the question many are asking is whether this young man is going to be forced to get married. If he does, he may not stay married. And the public will hear about it in the tabloids, Oprah or Jerry Springer....etc.

Friday, September 12, 2008 Sarah Palin's Apparel Designers, Shoes, Hairdo, and Eyeglasses

When Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was presented to the national and world stage, she also made a fashion statement. Since that day, U.S. and foreign women have been trying to find out which designer she was wearing. They have been feverishly googling Sarah's outfit and style to the point of sending the Alaska governor to the stratosphere of most searched words.

Just like Paris Hilton and other Hollywood stars known for their fashion sense (or lack of), a new fashion star was born. Republican as well as Democratic women appreciate her hair style, choice of eyeglasses and peep-toe pumps with 3/12 inch heels.

What was she wearing during her presentation to the Republican faithful by John McCain?

Footwear: Naughty Monkey Line shoes
Vision or Eyeglasses: $375 frames made by Kazuo Kawasaki style series 704 color 34 distributed in the U.S.A by Italee Optics Inc. That is the U.S. brand distributor.
Lipstick brand: (That is still out there to be determined).

Some fashion-savvy women and magazine writers and editors opine that her lipstick brand may be Pantagonia-based or friendly. In other words, it has to be eco-friendly. Others chide that her lipstick brand may be pitbull-friendly or pig appropriate colors. Understand the preceding sentence by remembering Mrs. Palin's joking comparision of herself to a lipstick wearing pitbull. In Anchorage, Alaska, Sarah Palin has been seen shopping at a secondhand store named Out of the Closet. She also shops at Shoefly and Hudsons as these two companies are trying to drum up sales from the recent shopping visits by the Governor.

Here is a list of potential apparel, fashion shopping, gown and dress sites Gov. Sarah Palin and her associates may have visited when shopping for herself and family members.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lipstick on a Pig and Pitbull, Hockey Mom and Lipsptick: 2008 Presidential Campaign

[gallery]Lipstick is officially the theme of the 2008 presidential campaign. John McCain went after Hillary Clinton's plan when he said, "You can put lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig." Then, Sarah Palin, Alaska Governor and VP nominee, rallied the Republican crowd with, "You know the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull, lipstick."

Obama wants to add his few cents about the lipstick thing while trying to portray the lack of change by John McCain. He said, on a stomp speech, "You can put lipstick on a pig..... it is still a pig."

Yet we see that most superstars such as Paris Hilton and Jessica Simpson do not care much about wearing lipstick. They wear something you can not really see. Check it out for yourself.[gallery]

Here are a few web sites where you can buy related lipsticks:

Monday, September 8, 2008

Stuffwhitepeoplecareabout: Family Support From Sarah Palin, Vanessa Hudgens, Jamie Lynn Spears and Presidential Nominees

Kids will be kids. Sarah Palin will survive this barrage of news of her pregnancy. Fortunately, she has her mother and boyfriend. Jamie Lynn Spears survived and her baby. Who else survived the news media?

We Care about Clark and Stephanie Nielson: Speedy Recovery from Plane Accident at Nie Nie Dialogues

For their speedy recovery, your support may be needed here.

Send them a get well note from your heart